Retrieve Regular Payment Details

Retrieve beneficiaries, direct debits, scheduled payments, standing orders date for the consented accounts.


Pre- requisite

  • Open Banking Consent journey should be successfully completed.
  • Generate access token using the Generate Access Token endpoint before making any data retrieval calls and ensure using the same customer identifier that was used in the created consent.

📘 Regular Payment Endpoints

The following is the list of regular payment endpoints:

Get BeneficiariesRetrieve all active and inactive beneficiaries of a given account. Key data includes beneficiary name, type, bank name, identifier (such as IBAN), etc.
Get Direct DebitsRetrieve direct debit mandates of the given account. Key data includes direct debit name, status, frequency, previous payment details, etc.
Get Scheduled PaymentsRetrieve scheduled payments details of a given account. Key data includes scheduled date, amount, type, etc.
Get Standing OrdersRetrieve standing orders details of a given account. Key data includes scheduled frequency, payment schedule amount and date, etc.