Build Your Own Consent Management Dashboard

Build your own Consent Management Dashboard aligned with your brand guidelines. Tarabut provides a set of APIs required to create a holistic consent management experience.


Pre- requisite

  • Open Banking Consent journey should be successfully completed.
  • Generate access token using the Generate Access Token endpoint before making any data retrieval calls and ensure using the same customer identifier that was used in the created consent.

📘 Consent Endpoints

The following is the list of consent endpoints that allow you to get your customer's consent information:

Get All ConsentsRetrieve all your customer consents. Key details include consent ID, status, start and expiration dates, provider bank, etc.
Get Consent DetailsRetrieve the consent details for specific consent. Key details include consent ID, status, start and expiration dates, provider bank, connected accounts details, etc.

📘 Revoke Consent Endpoint

The following endpoint allows you to revoke a specific consent:

Revoke ConsentThis endpoint allows you to revoke a specific consent by using the consent ID. The consent will be canceled from the provider bank, and you can no longer retrieve any additional information about any connected accounts in the revoked consent.
Note: If the consent contains multiple accounts, all accounts associated with the consent will be revoked

📋 Steps to Build Your Consent Management Dashboard

1. List all consents

Consent Management Dashboard

You can list all the consents created by your customer whether the consent is active, expired, or revoked by calling Get All Consents using your customer's customerUserId in the Access Token. The following is an example of the Get All Consents response:

    "id": "b2682a80-12b6-3f2c-bcde-cf2e832bad31",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "expiryDate": "2024-09-05T05:45:34.845Z",
    "startDate": "2023-09-06T05:45:35.332Z",
    "providerId": "BLUE"
    "id": "7410305e-04d5-3bc3-b2ca-557b73cf5e88",
    "status": "EXPIRED",
    "expiryDate": "2024-05-23T11:22:01.745Z",
    "startDate": "2023-05-24T11:22:04.100Z",
    "providerId": "BLUE"
    "id": "a6ea99b1-bbf7-3c72-97c9-864cae2d93b7",
    "status": "REVOKED",
    "expiryDate": "2024-04-26T12:31:47.109Z",
    "revokeDate": "2023-04-29T12:31:47.109Z",
    "startDate": "2023-04-27T12:31:47.109Z",
    "providerId": "BLUE"

2. Display consent details for a specific consent

Consent Details

You can display the consent details for a specific consent by calling Get Consent Details and passing in the path parameter the consent ID that is returned in the Get All Consents. The following is an example of the Get Consent Details response:

  "id": "b2682a80-12b6-3f2c-bcde-cf2e832bad31",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "expiryDate": "2024-09-05T05:45:34.845Z",
  "startDate": "2023-09-06T05:45:35.332Z",
  "providerId": "BLUE",
  "connectedAccounts": [
      "id": "baa09901-e314-4813-aa64-2a5ffe33ce10",
      "accountProductType": "CurrentAccount",
      "identifiers": [
          "type": "IBAN",
          "value": "SA6530400108071059170014"
      "id": "413c4a4a-4f70-4a62-b683-3eb31bed5474",
      "accountProductType": "CreditCard",
      "identifiers": [
          "type": "maskedPAN",
          "value": "******************4942"
      "id": "15136947-b730-4ffa-88b7-ad696b4c19b0",
      "accountProductType": "CreditCard",
      "identifiers": [
          "type": "maskedPAN",
          "value": "******************4701"



You can find an response example for expired and revoked consent in the Get Consent Details at the examples sections.

3. Revoke a specific consent

Revoke consent

You can revoke a specific consent by calling Revoke Consent and passing in the path parameter the consent ID that is returned in the Get All Consents. The following is an example of the Revoke Consent response:

  "id": "fbdb41c5-3d21-42e8-83a3-40ad64da9074",
  "status": "REVOKED"



The consent will be revoked immediately from the provider bank after calling the Revoke Consent endpoint.